
Posts Tagged ‘Fear’

Fear of good things

“And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” (Mark 4, v41, ESV).  It is only natural to be fearful of things we don’t want, but how often we are fearful of what is good!  People are often scared of changing job, moving house, getting married, all sorts of things that they actualy want.  The disciples in Mark 4 were crossing the lake in a small boat.  A storm came up which threatened the boat, and their lives.  Naturally they would be fearful.  We know they had Jesus in the boat with them, and really there was no need for them to fear.  We have Jesus with us also, and likewise there is no need for us to be afraid of situations that would naturally cause fear.  But a remarkable thing happens after Jesus calms the storm.  Once the danger has passed we are told that they were ‘filled with great fear’.  They were afraid of Jesus calming the storm.  Perhaps it was the awesome reality that it was God they were standing in front of.  Such fearful respect is good.  But perhaps it was fear.  There is no reason for us taking such a position.  Let us rejoice that Jesus is the all powerful One, who is all we need in every circumstance.

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